Friday, October 10, 2008

Rainbow Striped Toe Socks

Originally uploaded by auntsmack4u
I feel rather happy that I've never broken a bone big enough or important enough to need any type of treatment past "Rest, elevate, take some ibuprofen for the swelling". Sometimes though, I wish there was more than that that could be done. Where's my Star Trek bone mending technology, huh?

I'm also a little sick of feeling neurotic and anti-social for no reason other than a hormone swing. Stupid body and brain, functioning normally and in completely explicable ways. How dare they? Bloody frustrating. Ah well, at least I recognize the mood for what it is, rather than feeling like it's got a deep underlying reason to be there.

Other than that though, life's still more awesome than it's been in I really don't know how long, my friends are all awesome and beautiful, and my general day to day mood still makes me feel like it must be springtime, not deep enough into fall that I was overly cold walking outside at 10pm.

Tomorrow I must try to find time to quest for coat buttons, so I can finish mending the manditory big black wool coat that looks so good with the tophat. Winter's almost here, after all.

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