Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's a little bit funny...

Cara de Cachorro
Originally uploaded by Henrique Manreza

I managed to injure the tendons in my hip, which is super fun. I think, if I ever get told bedrest is the best option to heal an injury again, I may just shoot myself instead. Seriously. The aches and irritability caused by forced inactivity are getting close to adding up to enough to make the pain of walking not seem too bad.

I'm going to be venturing out from my place for the first time in almost three whole days tonight, with the draw of a cane I'm picking up from a friend being too strong a lure not to try for.

Oh, have I mentioned my friends are unbelievably awesome? The last two nights people have show up at my place with dinner for me. There is no earthly way I can imagine thanking someone enough for that sort of thing. Might I recommend never, ever damaging a major joint in your legs when you live in a third floor walk-up? It's a pretty helpless feeling. Darn place doesn't even have the decency to have those dingy, cramped little stairwells you can brace an arm on either side of.

At least this is the token "second mystery illness" this year, so it's clear sailing for the next two months.

Also, despite this, I'm super, super happy. Everything is going to work out fine. It's about time, too.

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