Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No one calls unless I forget my phone at home

Originally uploaded by lauralie0
I was riding my bike today, on a bike route. I came to a cyclist controlled intersection, pushed the button, and waited for the light to change.

As I rode across the intersection, a woman leaned out her car to yell at me. "You have to walk your bike if you want to cross, you know!"

I wish I had been able to express, in some way unlikely to make her even more upset, that I was sorry she was having a bad day, since I was having a lovely one, riding my bike in the sunshine after breakfast, great conversation with a friend, and a gym trip. I hope her day got better, but I fear she went about the rest of it angry at that horrid girl on the bike who broke a rule that was only a rule in her mind, causing her to have to sit at a red light for a couple wasted minutes.

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