Sunday, April 26, 2009

Purple butterflies and beaded fringe

Wake, makeup, train, bus, work, bus, train, lunch, work, sleep, wake, read, sleep, dream, wake.

Throw some "coffee, oh thank goodness, coffee" in there and that was yesterday.

While it's not my favorite thing to do, working two days worth of jobs in one day does make me feel rather more justified in the occasional day of nothing but relaxing and doing what I want, which is nice.

Could have done with out the very intense dreams, but they are somewhat entertaining, in retrospect. Not restful, but like having watched a reasonably good movie but missed how it ends.

The sun is back out after the gloominess yesterday morning, so I guess it was the right day to be indoors and today is the right one to be out. I should work on that.

Enjoy today. I think it's going to be a good one.

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