Sunday, April 19, 2009

Three seconds of fame

purple skies., originally uploaded by D.James | Darren J. Ryan.

Everything that can go wrong will go wrong and everything that's right is fantastic.

I'm lonely and I don't know why...I'm nostalgic and a little melancholy, missing different times and different places, missing might have beens and once upon a times.

I hate the question they always ask in interviews, "Where do you see yourself in five years?". Lady, if I could answer that, I'd already have done so five years ago, and I wouldn't be here being asked that. Shut up and give me a job, or shut up and don't. I know what you want to hear, I know how to sell myself, cut out the formalities, I'm smart enough to play your game, and that's all that matters, right?

Tomorrow is a new day.

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