Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No, really, it pours

Originally uploaded by Navivision
One wonders sometimes why the squeaky wheel really does get the grease. One wonders if one means so little that someone saying "I won't come if SHE does!" is rewarded with invitations and care, and oneself is excluded.

One does not understand this, perhaps largely because though one has indeed thought things like this before (can anyone say they have not?), one has never voiced them. One has felt it entirely inappropriate to ever ask such a thing of one's friends.

One also has no similar problems with the person making these requests. One really could care less if said person is around. Said person is no more nor less than an acquaintance.

One feels a little sick of being thought of as the strong person who will not be hurt by this sort of thing, too. I mean, she is going to be fine, no reason not to be, but it still stings.



Paul said...

She will surely be fine, but she gets e-hugs anyways from afar.


自己 said...
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